"I believe that the greatest gift that God has given to man
it is not the gift of sight, but the gift of vision.
Sight is a function of the eyes, but vision is a function of the heart."
(Myles Munroe)
Paola Riva's intriguing painting is essentially based on the concept of artistic vision.
The artist, in fact, possesses the gift of a special gaze, so capable of
intra than extra, how much of knowing how to see reality in a different way. With Paola's painting,
therefore, we enter the splendid world of subjectivity, where the author
glasses of his seeing to the observer-reader to enter a unique universe. An ideology
art boldly subjective, in a contemporary world that, on the contrary, tends to
homologating and depersonalizing globalisation. Paola, on the other hand, emphasizes the peculiarity of each individual, the freedom of every man to be able to express himself,
precisely because the richness and power of the mosaic lies in the uniqueness of each individual
Card. In the artistic field, this concept becomes even stronger, so that there is no need to
of the author's signature, since the timbre is already overwhelmingly unpublished, as an expression of personal artistic vision.
This opens up Paola's universe, in skilled oils on canvas, with innovative fantasy paints, in which
two brilliant subjects take the scene: women and symbolism.
"From the eyes of women derive my doctrine:
they still shine of the true fire of Prometheus,
are the books, the arts, the academies, that show, contain and nourish the world."
(William Shakespeare)
Paola brings back to a present time, where too often to the noblest creature of all,
healthy bearer of beauty, who inspired generations of artists and kidnapped millions of hearts,
the words "violence and feminicide" are insanely associated, the attention to the wonder of women, which represents an incredible world to live and discover.
The works thus also assume a profound social value, in the defence of the basic rights
human being, combining Frida Kahlo's earthly, energetic and colorful strength with a
more ethereal, celestial and dreamlike chromaticity at Tamara De Lempicka.
Each painting completes a symbolic element, different from time to time, from the tiger to the
horse, from birds to flowers and planets. It goes hand in hand with the represented, giving
a more hermetic trait to painting, so that beyond the fine signifier, the observer
you also become a reader in the interpretation of meaning.
"Each of us carries within us the center of the universe."
(Nancy Huston)
Riva Paola, born in Lecco on 13 December 1979 and residing in Galbiate (Lecco), began her professional career as an artist, appearing for the first time on the Lecco art scene in 2009.
Graduated from the Castellini art school in Como, she participated in several painting exhibitions and exhibited her works in Italy and abroad.
Unlike many of his contemporaries, Riva Paola has an artistic training mainly as a fantasy painter and has a completely personal conception of art and approach to it. He believes it is important to always risk and that inspiration can be found in anything you look at. To find out more about her philosophy, contact her.

A long and fascinating roundup of faces with an intriguing "Fantasy" flavor, unusual details and great precision, strong symbolism, but always attached to these portraits of great artistic depth in a very light and gentle way, wide and involving range of colors, from painted with extremely energetic and lively hues to more essentially monochromatic ones. This, in the final analysis, is the pictorial figure of Paola Riva, a quality artist, trained at the “G. Castellini ”of Como, city where he worked for a few years in the creative field in various sectors of activity and with prestigious collaborations, associated first with GAO in Olate di Lecco and then with the“ Bottega dell'Arte ”in Missaglia (Lecco) and with numerous exhibitions and participation in painting competitions behind it, from Lecco to Cesano Maderno, from Olginate to Vercurago, from Galbiate to Olgiate Molgora, from Oggiono to Valmadrera. And so we can enjoy the emotions that come to us from these enchanting realistic or hyper-realistic oil portraits on canvas, with a highly refined technique, such as the faces with an intense and dark gaze of Woman, Female Charm, The redhead, or the more exuberant compositions and imaginatively colored decompositions, between flowers and lights, of Blue eyes, In his world and Eyes in the sunset, or the interesting monochromatic paintings Iceman and In the blue. A series of works, those of Paola Riva, of undoubted aesthetic grace, with the elegant classic atmospheres of the past and modern executive conception, pleasant and meaningful at the same time, intended to peer into the deepest of the human soul, in particular of that feminine, in search of the most authentic impulses of our daily life, as art must do in the fullness of its mandate.
Prof. Silvano Valentini
Art critic
The brilliant chromaticism in the delicate tonal shades delineates the face of a woman with a classic charm who abandons herself to the dream in the unusual appearance of an intrepid and white horse in freedom, while generating vitality in the dynamic drive in an effervescence of symbols that go beyond the world of reality to travel the enchantment of the surreal on the waves of fantasy, beyond the poetics of the imaginary for a new art language.
Dr. Carla D'Aquino Mineo
Art critic - Academic Center Maison d'Art Padova